Which Best Describes Biogeographic Isolation
Which best describes biogeographic isolation? A) Information technology e'er leads to the germination of new species. B) It cannot lead to development. C) Information technology is a mechanism for development. D) It occurs but through geographic forces.
D. It occurs only through geographic forces.
Biogeographic isolation is the separation of ii populations of the same species due to concrete factors. Information technology may pb to evolution, every bit the groups volition adjust to their new circumstances, which may exist dramatically different between the two locales. However, geographic isolation cannot be described as 1 of the evolutionary mechanisms, equally they are generally biological in nature.

Geographic isolation may pb to the emergence of new species only does not necessarily create them. The term means that members of different species are unable to produce fertile offspring.
Yet, many animals that are slightly unlike due to geographical factors and isolation, including humans, can breed without whatever problems. Every bit such, the start three options are invalid, and only the fourth is correct.
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Bookish.Tips. (2022) 'Which best describes biogeographic isolation? A) It ever leads to the formation of new species. B) It cannot lead to evolution. C) It is a machinery for development. D) It occurs merely through geographic forces'. 30 January.
Academic.Tips. (2022, January xxx). Which best describes biogeographic isolation? A) It always leads to the formation of new species. B) It cannot lead to evolution. C) It is a machinery for evolution. D) It occurs only through geographic forces. https://bookish.tips/question/which-best-describes-biogeographic-isolation/
Academic.Tips. 2022. "Which best describes biogeographic isolation? A) It always leads to the formation of new species. B) Information technology cannot pb to evolution. C) Information technology is a mechanism for evolution. D) It occurs simply through geographic forces." January 30, 2022. https://bookish.tips/question/which-best-describes-biogeographic-isolation/.
one. Bookish.Tips. "Which best describes biogeographic isolation? A) It ever leads to the germination of new species. B) Information technology cannot pb to development. C) Information technology is a machinery for development. D) It occurs only through geographic forces." January 30, 2022. https://academic.tips/question/which-best-describes-biogeographic-isolation/.
Academic.Tips. "Which best describes biogeographic isolation? A) Information technology e'er leads to the germination of new species. B) It cannot lead to evolution. C) It is a machinery for evolution. D) It occurs only through geographic forces." January xxx, 2022. https://academic.tips/question/which-best-describes-biogeographic-isolation/.
Work Cited
"Which best describes biogeographic isolation? A) Information technology always leads to the formation of new species. B) Information technology cannot pb to evolution. C) Information technology is a mechanism for evolution. D) It occurs only through geographic forces." Bookish.Tips, thirty January. 2022, academic.tips/question/which-best-describes-biogeographic-isolation/.
Which Best Describes Biogeographic Isolation,
Source: https://academic.tips/question/which-best-describes-biogeographic-isolation/
Posted by: barnetthiscon.blogspot.com
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